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Sakyadhita Canada National Conference 2012

On Saturday September 15, 2012, Sakyadhita Canada hosted its first conference. The theme of the conference was connecting, sharing and supporting and this definitely took place as laywomen, female monastics and laymen from BC, Alberta and Ontario came together at Cardel Theatre, a state-of-the-art theatre, in Calgary. The day’s event began with (connecting) a welcoming morning coffee and muffins, registration and greetings by Sakyadhita Canada members.

The formal part of the conference included chanting of the Heart Sutra led by Venerable Tinh Quang, a keynote address (The Blossoming of Sakyadhita Canada) by SC president, Jayanta (Shirley Johannesen), and panel presentations by Venerable Tinh Quang and Venerable Sarani Karuna. A delicious and healthy lunch was donated (by Sakyadhita Canada) to all the participants and this was a wonderful opportunity and a time of sharing, on many different levels.

The afternoon panel included presentations by Dr. Mavis Fenn and Patricia Gallaczy. The closing ceremony began with words of gratitude to all the speakers, the organizing committee and the many volunteers who made this such a successful day possible. The support offered by everyone – to everyone - was very heart-warming and the day was wrapped up by a Loving Kindness meditation (led by Jayanta), and wishes for a safe journey home.