To see more recent activities, please see our Activites page.


Past Activities

Vesak Celebrations - May 31, 2014 - Mississauga, Ontario

Buddhists from all traditions joined together to celebrate the Buddhist festival of Vesak. Sakyadhita Canada participated in the day's events, with Sister Tinh Quang and other members from the area attending. A booth was beautifully set up and brochures and bookmarks offered. Thanks to all who gave so generously of their time and presence.
See the poster.

Vesak Celebrations


Vesak celebrations were held at the Ontario Legislature grounds in Toronto in May, organized by the Buddhist Council of Canada. Sakyadhita Canada took an active part in this successful event that included chanting, offerings, rituals, meditation ane refreshments. Well over 100 people participated and enjoyed the day.


Change Your Mind Day (CYMD) 2014

The International Buddhist Foundation of Canada coordinated the annual public gathering of Change Your Mind Day (CYMD), bringing together many of the Buddhist organizations and temples in Calgary.
Read more here.


2012 National Conference: Canadian Women in Buddhism


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Sakyadhita Canada is a Buddhist women's organization that seeks to support both monastics and laywomen through a variety of initiatives. We have begun an outreach program designed to inform Canadian women about Sakyadhita and create links between them.

On Saturday, September 15, 2012, Sakyadhita Canada hosted its first conference. The theme was connecting, sharing and supporting and this definitely took place as laywomen, female monastics and laymen from B.C., Alberta and Ontario came together. For presentations and photos, read more.